Health-Care Center Hvozd Ltd.

GPS location:
N 50°46.721´
E 014°37.725´

You find the building of Health-Care Center Hvozd s.r.o. in the street Komenského, No. 358, approximately 500 m from náměstí Osvobození.

Approach from the direction of the town Liberec
You turn off from the major road no. 13 to the náměstí Osvobození, and when you reach the western border of it, you come to the beginning of Komenského street. 500 meters along this street you find the building of the Health Care Center on the right side, and you can also find the pharmacy U zlatého hada on the premises of the Center.

Coming from the town of Česká Lípa:
You turn off from the major road no. 13, right behind the gas station OMV, to the left, and continue in the direction to náměstí Osvobození, you pass a factory on your right hand, and the you see a large building of Spořitelna (Saving Bank) on the right side. 200 meters bellow the bank you find the building of our Health Care Center with the pharmacy U zlatého hada on the premises of the Center.

Map of the center of Cvikov

design & create
a production 2006